So definitely half way through your pregnancy by now and wondering ;
- about what exercises
- preparing for labour
- how to look after your back and posture and want to know what you should be doing for your pelvic floor muscles?
Come and see me for a 1 hour full assessment where we can determine your best exercise and care options going into your 3rd trimester. This is a great opportunity to ask me about any postural and pelvic floor concerns.
Whether you are a first time mum or a 2nd or 3rd time Vaginal or ‘C’ section mum you will benefit from an individualised assessment and specific exercise program for your needs. You may be able to continue your current exercises but with some modifications to ensure you don’t develop any postural, low back or pelvic girdle pain.
Make an appointment today at our Northbridge or Wynyard clinic
If you would like to join in a pre-natal Pilates class, these are currently available at our Northbridge practise
For more information on pregnancy check out the ‘pre- natal ‘ page