

The lower hand needs to be lower!!


Hi, I have started this website for my patients, friends and public, to help you find more information about Women’s Health concerns.

My long suffering husband  who is an absolute geek with all this computer stuff, has both inspired and helped ….well actually pretty much set up the whole website for me.  Quick plug here for Peter’s photos geek and photographer..but I digress !

By deliberately using reliable and accurate information that I have been able to source from the internet, I can direct you  to specific websites regarding women’s pelvic floor health ; core exercises for women; pre natal; post natal and  relevant  up to date information.
I am not attempting to re-invent the wheel as there is a fantastic amount of good information and education out in the worldwide web. However there is also a lot of  stuff that is not helpful – and  even incorrect. I definitely have my favourite websites and you will find me linking into these a lot.

As I get better at this ‘techo’ stuff I have started to add  drop down subjects on the menu tabs.
The drop down info is more detailed and includes some of my own physiotherapy knowledge and clinical experience.

 About me vanea

My name is Vanea Atwood; I am a Director at Sports Focus Physiotherapy, a Senior Women’s Health Physiotherapist and a Pilates teacher with both Clinical Pilates and Polestar Pilates for Rehabilitation training, and work both at the Northbridge and Wynyard city practises.
I qualified in the UK (many years ago) and after 5 years working in major teaching hospitals in London, moved to Sydney to work in private practice and have a family.  For more than twenty years I have continually updated my post-grad professional education in Women’s Health, Pre & Post natal physiotherapy, Fitness Instructor -group, Pilates exercise certification, Assessment and care of the Lactating breast, Advanced physiotherapy Pelvic floor courses in Stress Urinary Incontinence, Over Active Bladder, Pelvic Pain, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary disorders in the post natal woman, use of Real time ultrasound and attendance at many ‘Fitness industry’, Physiotherapy, and Continence Foundation conferences nationally and internationally.

My experience in the treatment of women’s musculo-skeletal disorders has focused my interest on:
Women’s Health to include :

Pelvic Floor assessment, treatment, education and re-training – individual full assessment of muscle function to include internal examination of  the female pelvic floor muscles.
Pre natal treatment and exercise: – early intervention and advice for your changing shape – specific guidance on safe exercise levels for you – treatment of any pelvic instability and/or pain – Full 1 hour Women’s health assessment at 20 weeks to determine your current postural, pelvic floor and core  health and advice for exercises to guide you through to y due date  – Pilates for pregnancy – ‘Mums & Bumps’
Post natal treatment and exercise: – post-natal check-up at 1-2 weeks after delivery – treatment and advice on breast care and Mastitis, support, education and advice on perineal trauma – treatment of any associated bladder or bowel dysfunction – and at 6 weeks individual and group exercise specific to your mode of delivery ‘Muscle Mums’
Women’s Health – specific treatments related to pelvic floor problems – stress urinary incontinence – urinary frequency and urgency – pelvic pain – treatment of musculo-skeletal problems associated with ageing – menopausal changes impacting on your muscles and bones
Pilates based exercise programs, individual and group
Back  & Neck pain assessment and treatment in a functional ‘core stability’ framework

I lecture to Pilates teachers, local GP’s, Midwives, Early childhood nurses, Physio’s and Fitness professionals ; and I am passionate about improving ‘Pelvic Floor Safe’ exercise for women.
By combining my ‘hands on’ physiotherapy skills with a comprehensive approach to graduated exercise, my clinical work load gives me the opportunity to assess, treat and personally train women holistically through all life stages.

All Women’s Health initial consultations are 1 hour. There are so many aspects of pelvic health physio and each area is almost a speciality in itself. The pelvic floor is the centre of your being…and your self.  It demands your time and and my respect.

For more details on your appointment please ask the receptionist. She may want you to speak to me regarding your booking. You can also learn more about your appointment by clicking on my  may 2013 blog ‘  What do Continence & Women’s Health- pelvic floor physios do! You can see this on the top right hand side of this website.

I look forward to meeting you.

Contact me

Email:  vanea@sportsfocusphysio.com.au

Work:  http://www.sportsfocusphysio.com.au/people/profile/4 .
Suite 2, 2nd Floor, 115 Sailors Bay Rd
NSW   2063

Tel       02) 9958 8986

Please re-visit regularly as this is very definitely a website evolving…and takes many browsing hours to add relevant information.


 Posted by at 1:47 am