caesarean section








Following a ‘C ‘section you will spend a few more days in hospital than those who have a normal vaginal delivery. It is abdominal surgery and you will be closely monitored for the first 24 hours post operation.
The first 24 to 48 hours will involve having an intravenous drip in your arm (for fluids and often antibiotics) and a urinary catheter in place to keep your bladder empty. The epidural tube may be left in place to administer further pain relief for the first day or two.
Right after, you may feel itchy, sick to your stomach, and sore — these are all normal reactions to the anesthesia and surgery. If you needed general anesthesia for an emergency C-section, you may feel groggy, confused, chilly, scared, alarmed, or even sad. Your doctor can give you medications to ease any discomfort or pain.

For the first few days you may

feel tired
have soreness around the incision – you will have pain meds!!
be constipated and gassy
have difficulty getting around and/or lifting your baby
it can help if you support your abdomen near the incision when you sneeze, cough, or laugh.
you will have a light diet until you start to pass wind.
urinary catheter stays in for 24 -48 hours
you will probably pass large volumes of urine. This is normal as your body removes the excess fluid.
foot and ankle exercises, pelvic floor squeezes and supported ‘huffing – chest clearing for 24 hours; then assistance to get out of bed and walk –to reduce risk of leg DVT. Deep vein Thrombosis.
abdominal bracing at 4-5 days as you become more mobile, to support your spine
pelvic floor muscle work
• Lots of small repetitive squeezes to help the local swelling- (use your own muscle pump)
• Every time you breast feed or use a breast pump
• Day 5 start deeper longer lifts. …Yes just keep trying
• Both Vaginal and Caesarean births need to do PFM exercises. Some mums have an emergency ‘C’ section,  so may have been into their second stage of labour – pushing ….you will need to do PFM exercises.

Massaging your scar    Please come and see me and I can teach you how to do this.     Persistent pain following a “C’ section. See your GP to clear other pathologies and then … make an appointment to come and see me. I can direct you in what abdominal exercises are safe for you to do. You may have a diastasis recti and this may need a binder. (see drop down menu on DRA)

 Posted by at 2:39 am